UPDATED 21 01 25

Message to Colleagues and Work

Message to colleagues : Brief of Explanation of my Convocation to Central CID Posted on School WhatsApp Group   11 01 25

Pt YJPhD 1891 P 979 Informing AG Rector, copy to Staffs of Bambous SSS through Whatsapp group

Msg 06 01 25 To Colleagues posted on whatsapp group  copy to employer and others

To the MINISTER of Education P 1064, P 1094, P 1098
Zero Tolerance against violence harassment at work P 1064
To Minister of Education : Private school PUMPING money out of parents P 1094
To the Minister of Education ; They get car allowance and travel by bus SODNAC LEXPRESS P 1098

2024 Previous Government

Breaking point Open conflict with employer  [ Frozen blog Page Previous Government 60-0]

Compelled to Inform Work , Recurrent and persisting problem Harassment in Region of Bambous  HYGIENE and MANNERS. 
>---> Pt YJPhD 1899 P 990 : Complaint to SEDEC, In middle of Election, in middle of NCE/SC/HSc Exam periods A big fat Creole GP girl wearing uniform of St Esprit Riviere Noire gave to me  a violent elbow kick unprovoked, unjustified, and premeditated. 34th attack from Creole GP towards an Educator, Civil servant in Public. I could have fallen off the bus and the bus ran over me. From time to time they need to be taught that it is a very inappropriate behaviour to touch, kick, harm an Educator, a Civil servant in Public. I keep a record of list of attacks from Creole GP towards me in Public. I have the impression there is a DERANGED PSYCHOPATH, A MENTALLY UNSTABLE Criminal, who since some time, spy, stalk me and each time send people to harass, harm me in Public and its now the 34th unprovoked, unjustified, and premeditated attack against me. And we all know authorities are eating Gato Pimen at bazaar, Briani from Vans and not doing their jobs in impartiality.8th October 2024
>--> P 980: In middle of Election and Exam NCE/SC/HSC periods, Once again some people of PRIVATE sector and their unions are searching problems with about their CINEMA GRANT and blog horse, blog private schools. All these years they have been MAJA KARO big cars, big houses , bragging ''declare bell mari'',  making allegations against me and now they have the GUTS to annoy me AGAIN and AGAIN about their Grant. This is why they are private sector and I work in Public sector. I am already in legal wars against some PRIVATE SCHOOLS so they think I will sympathy for enemies. If they cannot maintain their Private Schools, then CLOSE their cinemas same as  I personally remember in the past namely Grand Bois College and Stratford College ,  which was just  near the QB bus Station where my mother has worked and had problems and eventually they closed down. 11th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1928 P 1020 : In these times of NCE/SC/HSC exams and Election periods despite knowing I am apolitical , instead of forgetting me in these times of election and focus on their politics; , There was an internal work issue íncident at Bambous 17/10/24, (P1019 TO WORK), that reminded me of this CASE along the DRUG ROUTE. There is a woman , a WIDOW, of AGAIN the region of PALMA-PIERREFOND who was married to a Chinese man , close to Politics who EACH time is saying ''they searched her house and nothing was found' when the Police came to arrest her. But unfortunately again NONE of my BUSINESS. Very sad for a young widow, my mother became widow at the Age I am NOW, 37 years old. (i) For a hundredth time, I neither do Politics (ii) NOR have any interest with any WIDOW of any CHINESE MAN who is related to Politics (iii) and for a hundredth time, never had any interest with anyone close, related to Politics. Just stating, there was another DRUG arrest in these SAME REGIONS OF PALMA-PIERRE FOND and it was reported that the DRUG SUSPECTS had THROWN their DRUG in TOILETTES. As said previously EVEN BEFORE they were arrested for drug, these people were annoying me and searching problems. And obviously I did not forget all these unprovoked, unjustified, and premeditated attacks on me at these regions while I was going to work (i) the woman giving me elbow kicks, jumping on my feet and running away (ii) the woman giving to me umbrella kicks to my head in bus (iii) the big huge Creole GP sitting behind me and hitting my head with his phone and making threats of ‘GIVE ME SLAPS’’. I had to get out of the bus , waste my money and take another bus.(iv) those women of Palma making believe I ínbox them, I do not even know anyone of Palma-Pierrefond. Speaking in General ; Instead of searching fight with me an Educator, Civil Servant, instead of making plans to make me have problems at work, and instead of supporting DRUG suspects, these people of PALMA-PIERREFOND must teach to their youths of the importance of Education and the DANGERS of Drug and focus on Education, particularly in these periods of Exam and not waste their time with ‘petit copain/copine/ social medias/Tik tok/ drug, alcohol, smoking and cheating during exams’’.17th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1577 P 657 Problem 74 Const 18 : To the Diocese , SEDEC : List of UNPROVOKED, UNJUSTIFIED, PREMEDITATED ATTACK ON Me, an EDUCATOR, CIVIL SERVANT BY CREOLE GP COMMUNITY IN PUBLIC (to be again updated). Its seems that there is A DANGEROUS PSYCHOPATH, MENTALLY DERANGED PERVERT, who visibly has the support of BLACKSHEEPS WILDBOARS , a mastermind behind all these attacks on me AND THAT MENTALLY DERANGED PSYCHOPATH think that harming , harassing, caressing , kicking , threatening A HONEST EDUCATOR , A CIVIL SERVANT IS GOOD TO DO. They take Pleasure to harm , harass an educator Civil servant. A Criminal who deserve to ROT in JAIL.THE LAW SHOULD BE ZERO PITY against these unprovoked unjustified premeditated attacks. Possibly the same MENTALLY Sick Savage who was harming my brother and mother before. Possibly the SAME Psychopath who had given a violent BLOW to the head of my mother. They do not realise the harm they do to their OWN community. If someone attacks their SON/DAUGHTER/Wife/husband like that in Public, how would they feel ? Copy to all Religious sides, electoral commission, Hon members of Both sides and Employer 18th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1932 P 1024 : To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1) Once again Local UK Diplomacy problem If they have anything to tell me , they need to behave like civilised people and put on paper and not like local SAVAGES. Once again these local UK Diplomacy should not interfere into my ongoing legal wars. I still do not know their purposes here. Local UK Diplomacy and Policy remind me of HRH Meghan and HRH Catherine and their children who I DO NOT LIKE at all. (2) Problem of Riviere Noire religious groups and now Flic en Flac/Cascavelle  And again I have no interest to come to these SECTS / Religious Groups of neither Riviere Noire , these ‘colon cancer regions’ and their South African and their fishy sources nor to that Sect/Religious group of Flic en Flac Cascavelle P1015 whereby a Chinese woman each time is asking me to come. I do not go these EVIL WEST regions. I remember namely the case of THE STATE v GRUEN GARETH 2023 SCJ 413 Record No. SCS 21/22 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MAURITIUS '1000.99 grams of heroin enclosed in 125 pellets wrapped in plastic and tapes, concealed in his body cavity' .Their SOURCES are too fishy in these regions and they have the guts to ask money. Huge amount of DRUG was found in those regions. (3) Hamas Local Muslims problem. I see some Muslims of Mauritians 'glorifying' the Dead Hamas leader as a hero . I dissociate myself from such people and words. I remember some of these same Muslims wanted to make Marijuana legal and some were even arrested during Covid for spreading FAKE news that was frightening the public. FRANCE, US AND UK have listed Hamas as a TERRORIST group and their DEAD leader is certainly NOT a hero , but rather a WAR CRIMINAL. They and their ‘pinch pic pic’  see hippique means 'tir a larc'  . They see planting everywhere and Now They see a hero when infact its a DEAD WAR CRIMINAL 

Pt YJPhD 1933 P 1025 : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN , I will be going for an outing from 5th November 2024 to 12th November 2024. I will be back at my home address SODNAC DODOS on the 12th November 2024. Kindly also beware of FAKE NEWS being spread by some BLACKSHEEPS and WILDBOARS. I am not 'leaving Mauritius'. These BLACKSHEEPS and WILDBOARS think I am like their Political friends who did not get political ticket and those who will be defeated in November 2024. I am apolitical and have no interest with anyone of Politics. My contact details are enclosed within the letter.
19th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1898 P 989 : In middle of Election, in middle of Exam periods NCE/SC/HSC, despite knowing I am apolitical, Politics with their friends BARON Drug Suspects/and their lawyers again search problems with me, namely along DRUG ROUTE Sodnac-Palma-Evil West regions. I again inform the Mauritius Bar Association to warn Lawyers who defend DRUG SUSPECTS. Same as Politics who search fight with me and they lose, these people also they search fight and they get arrested for drug. My duty as an Educator, Civil servant is to INFORM and WARN the youths of dangers of DRUG through Speeches/Pictures/Videos they are caught red handed/Papers like this one. To deter the Youths from these Scourges. DRUG is another specific type of Criminal offence. I neither smoke, nor consume any alcohol nor has ever been in Drug. NO SYMPATHY for DRUG. Harassing, harming, intimidating me will worsen their career,reputation and Legal Cases. 20 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1907 P 998  : Problem 114 const 18 They annoy people to get ticket, even search problems with me who is Apolitical then they do not work, then they do not get elected. RATS. Their leaders should inform them BEWARE they do not get elected. ' li amerd F.. pu gagn ticket'  'li peh mor pu ticket'  'GARE a toi to pah eli' . They are like those women who do not listen to their Parents and marry a BAD MAN and then complaint their husbands are drunkard, jobless, beat them. Some even worse, like the friends Mr V of these bus/ bazaar /shops /oily cake. He comes on stage and start backing his own party . Beware who they let talk in Public.20 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1908 P 999 : VERY TRAGIC and SAD NEWS  SOY Evil West regions  ; MANY DEATHS on roads. I remember recently people of these SAME regions of the WEST harassing me, annoying me , inventing about me, fake news about VAISH / GATO PIMEN/ supposedly inboxing their women at bambous  / CAR /Car allowance, car declaration, car insurance supposedly I get car allowance and not paying car declaration and insurance  Pt YJPhD 1891 P 979 and obviously we all know the roles of those PERVERT bus workers. I mentioned how the roads are dangerous and the recent CRAZY Post office Van along the road Sodnac-Jumbo Pt YJPhD 1895 P 985 Problem 114 Const 18  Post office van 20 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1913 P 1004 Due to the (i) Political affiliations of some of them  (ii) the dangerous nature of that region of EVIL WEST (iii) the link between some and my own ongoing legal wars horse/private schools/ Police/ Union etc (iv) the conflictual interest of some related to people of REDUIT (v) I was advised to CONTINUE NOT to  communicate to 'colleagues' . Infact in a decade since 2011 , the beginning of my career, I have NEVER inbox a colleague for personal issues. TO AVOID something like the SEEGUM J  v  THE STATE OF MAURITIUS 2021 SCJ 162 THE SUPREME COURT OF MAURITIUS Record  No. 8842 . I communicate to work only for official issues. 20 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1917 P 1009 Problem 114 Const 18 : During NCE/SC/HSC exams and Election Period, I was informed as usual by the annoyers bus/bazaar/shops/oily cakes sellers on my path to work that there is a WOMAN working at a ZONE of the Ministry of Education TE ST who since some time have been BACK BITTING behind my back. Her problem is not of Education matters but about Her Brother who does Active Politics and is not getting Political tickets supposedly because of me. If it depended on me, he would not even a member of any Political party. And then these same people who talk of Political Tickets and do ACTIVE politics will then make believe supposedly I am the one doing Politics.There was a LEGAL CASE that I WON at Court, involving her brother. That whole Family Mr V should keep their distance from me and are liable to Civil Actions for all their allegations. His own party members publicly said he was kicked out due to his violent manners. Some HINDU Religious Groups also have been doing ACTIVE politics and backing him in his VENDETTA and RAGE.These HINDU RELIGIOUS groups preferred to help support that type of people rather than my mother a widow, and me an orphan.I use to tell my troublesome Students, if you behave the same way you behave with me, with the Public also, you will be in serious trouble. People on roads are not as good as I am. There are bad people on roads. Same advise to that Woman for her brother who search problem with me. BEWARE then that family Mr V comes to blame me. Civil action against them. Same as I had said to the ELECTORAL OFFICE,Anyone having any CONFLICTUAL INTEREST , namely about my ongoing LEGAL WARS of these regions SODNAC, QUATRE BORNES, FLOREAL, BEAU BASSIN, CUREPIPE ETC ETC  HORSES/PRIVATE schools/ UNION/ Police/ NEWSPAPERS etc, should declare their interest otherwise at serious fault.24 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1918 P 1010 Problem 115 Const 18 PERSIST harassment and violence impeding into my work, even during these NCE/SC/HSC exams and election periods 2024 despite knowing I am apolitical. There is A POLITICAL BASE that has been set up at the entrance of my road AVE DES DODOS SODNAC at that CLOSED SHOP. None of my business and I do not interfere into Political matters and their agents buildings. Kindly inform all those SHOPS in SODNAC, NOT TO SEARCH PROBLEM with me, particularly that CHINESE SHOP. I do not even buy anything at any shops in SODNAC.The problem is that some people of SODNAC were CAUGHT with DRUG, namely in SODNAC and PALMA-PIERREFOND regions and SODNAC seem to support these DRUG suspects. You even see them sitting proudly in their political meetings at Quatre Bornes and EBENE. People of Sodnac Region seem to be in a CONFLICTUAL situation and supporting my ENEMIES of cases namely HORSES/PRIVATE SCHOOLS/ UNIONS / POLICE / NEWSPAPERS / Northern BEEF/COW and their clients of SODNAC etc Obviously to avoid any conflictual situation I do not do any business with anyone of Politics. I do not buy from Politics such as oily cake/shops/ land, car, nascar, motorcycle etc property, vegetables, fruits etc 24 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1920 P 1012 : Persistent harassment and violence from Politics, despite knowing I am apolitical ,during NCE/SC/HSC exams, and Election Periods  and while I am busy with all these things (i) - (ix) , A Tamil husband is getting rage and saying , ' why I have BLOCKED his TAMIL wife on Instagram/ social medias;'  my reply : LOL Do not go to Seychelles. BEWARE it does not become like the PEPITO Instagram CASE (husband murdering his wife and then committing suicide) VERY DISGUSTING.A real DISGRACE husbands inventing pretexts to search fight with me. It reminds me of the Algerian and her Muslim Politics husband, inventing and inventing just to create pretexts to harm me. I obviously have no interest in any TAMIL nor Algerian nor Palestinian.THIS ALSO HUSBANDS WANT TO HARM ME ; because I BLOCKED their wife on Instagram/social medias. They need to visit a psychiatric. Wife want other men, husband also want other men.   Our Friends of TAMIL community should not get themselves INVOLVED in PLOTS, STORIES like that. I have not forgotten Mr SAM who was harassing my Mother. Tamil woman also Same thing as Creole GP/Muslim, EAT CRUSH  THROW , manzer , crazer , zeter 24 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1922 P1014 : To the 3rd Side of Politics UNION REFORM and their agents/supporters : BEWARE Kindly keep your distances from me AT ALL TIMES, even after elections, particularly those who were members of the lawyer political groups called Avengers that I never supported. I ALSO SEE SOME PROVOCATION from some members. Its useless since I do not do politics nor give voting orders. I wish to notify Namely (i) a Tamil lawyer with Palestinian connections, who I had seen even at Bambous Citer near that shop (ii) a guy with a pony tail doing videos, alias Rocco. His wife works as English Teacher (iii) an old woman with big glasses. (iv) EVERY MEMBER of REFORM PARTY. BEWARE, these people and their ‘relatives also’’ should keep their DISTANCES from me (at their own risks). I remember an incident in 2017 whereby a Political agent, a Taxi driver of QB (small man big nose, big car) had some problems with me, namely a kick within Bazaar and even trying to hit and run at Candos. Kindly DO NOT SEARCH FIGHT WITH ME. Do not then come and say supposedly I am the bad guy. You were warned in writing. Otherwise I do not interfere into Political matters of others.
24 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1924 P 1016 : In these times of NCE/SC/HSC exams and Election periods despite knowing I am apolitical , instead of forgetting me in these times of election and focus on their politics there is a Political ACTIVIST who HIDES behind the name of POTTER  and is making SEVERAL THREATS towards me. Kindly inform the Political Activist hiding behind the name of POTTER , who I think is from the SOUTHERN region to KINDLY STOP MAKING THREATS TOWARDS ME. I remember a decade ago I saw him walking with schools in the region of Curepipe. Kindly inform his wife/children/families who are equally responsible of his actions to ask Mr POTTER to (a) put his real name on social medias and (b) to STOP making unnecessary threats towards me (c) I neither do Politics nor have anything to do with these Cinema GRANT . His posts are very frightening. Some days he puts pictures of his families, other days he put pictures of CARS, KNIVES etc etc  VERY SCARY.
24 th October 2024

Pt YJPhD 1941 P 1033 :   37th  UNPROVOKED, UNJUSTIFIED, PREMEDITATED ATTACK ON EDUCATOR, CIVIL SERVANT BY CREOLE GP COMMUNITY IN PUBLIC while I was waiting to cross the road nearby the nomination Centre to go to work , at Bambous, a student coming for exam made some very racist, foul insults towards me and even tried to spit at me. Searching fight, provocation. I feel very scared by such SAVAGE manners and I have decided that I will NOT go to vote this time 2024. 3rd November 2024

Pt YJPhD 1946 P 1038 : Persistent harassment of Politicians even during Exams and Election periods:  they STILL do not learn their lesson. Instead of focusing on their politics, they invent, search fight with me despite knowing I am apolitical. CASTEIMS , FAVOURITISM I do not know what the BROTHER consume, Maybe GANDIA ,  in REDUIT and harass women. In Bambous also samething, the SISTER harass men and others, and again I do not know what that woman consume like that to behave in such a manner. Brother-Sister same thing harassing other men, women where they work.3rd November 2024